Keep your Beach Golf Cart from Sinking in the Sand!

Posted by Warren Sawicki on Oct 14, 2014

We get customers calling us all the time with the issue of their golf carts sinking in the sand (soft mud as well)!

While we would love to sell you a new set of tires better suited for the sand, your current tires may work just fine with a small adjustment: lowering your tire pressure.

Try letting the air out of your golf cart tires until they are down to about 4-5 psi. What this does is effectively spreads the amount of surface area the face of the golf cart tires make contact with, leading to better "flotation" in the sand. This change will be less pronounced in a low-profile tire, but can make a huge difference with all terrain and off road golf cart tires.

So give it a try before ordering a fresh set of tires for the sand. If this air pressure tweak does not work for you, you can always order one of our all terrain tires.

By: Warren Sawicki

@ Golf Cart Tire Supply